User Adminstration
  • 27 Dec 2021
  • 2 Minutes to read
  • Contributors
  • Dark

User Adminstration

  • Dark

Article summary

The part to control the role and rights of users is controled by the Super Administrator and this part of the concole can only be approached by a Super Administrator. The following roles can be assigned to users.

Respondent (Mobile phone, laptop, PC)

• The respondent (patient or other type of respondent) has the possibility to respond only to an existing tool invited by Study Admin or Super Admin.
• Cannot log into the console, can only use the tools (HealthFan, HealthSnApp)

Content Editor

• Each translator will receive permissions for each instrument and language that they should be able to edit.
• Translators are able to edit the text fields of instruments in the application console.
• When a translator is editing fields in an instrument, this will be done in a copy of an existing instrument in an existing language. The default text will not be overwritten or if text fields are left empty, than the text of the other language version can show up. The initial text is preserved to signal the translator what is starting to be translated. Consequently, it is mandatory to translate all the text fields as the ones which don’t contain new text will appear empty and are likely to cause errors in the mobile app.
• In order for instruments or studies to be visible for a translator, the following conditions have to be met: 1) the instrument and at least one of it’s languages have to be shared with the translator, 2) they have to be active.
• Translators cannot see inactive instruments. The recommended use of the platform is to copy the instrument, assign it to the translator and only afterwards use it in a study.

Study Admin

• Each Study Admin should receive permissions for each study that they should have access to. Study admins are able to add a study, manage the email-distribution of particular instruments, view the statistics and results.
• Study admin are be able to add email addresses to a study for email distribution or generate user accounts (see “Email distribution”).
• Study Admin cannot create or modify specific instruments, only choose from the list of existing ones.
• Study Admins will not be able to download any results data for HealthSnApp by default.
• A Study Admin can receive separate permissions to download the data from the Super Admin.


• Has full access to all instruments, all studies, all their functionalities and can add instrument Translators/ StudyAdmins, but not other Admin users.

Super Admin

• Same capabilities as Admin plus:
• There will always be one-and-only-one Super Admin, created when the application starts the first time.
• Only the Super Admin can create other Admin users.
• Can request to reset the password for the console users if the password security rules are not in line with the requirements.

Reset passwords

In order to be security compliant in the Console the Super Admin can request to reset the password for the console users if the password security rules are not in line with the requirements.